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WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world and the blog engine in particular. It pulls out any type of site, from business cards to forums and portals, due to hundreds of thousands of plugins and templates. The stable, fast system has become the entry point into the world of website development for millions of developers—relatively simple, free, which attracts newcomers.
We have prepared a small selection of finished projects so that you can assess the system’s capabilities in various application scenarios.
WordPress is a blog engine, first and foremost. Out of the box, the functionality is built for their easy maintenance. WordPress is useful for creating sites for monetization. With its help, many authoritative resources have been created, and the platform is popular with both beginners and web development gurus with equal success. A lot of free WordPress templates and those for the money are usually relatively inexpensive. It is easy to get a unique design by buying a high-quality template for about $ 50, but drastically editing it is not easy – you need knowledge of PHP.
WordPress blogs have their characteristics, but not all. In other scenarios, it is almost impossible to determine whether a site belongs to the engine – the templates are very different, you can’t understand anything from them. Experienced users can only learn the unique design of widgets and plugins for displaying content if you have worked with them. The system is relatively demanding on hosting resources, lends itself well to SEO-optimization. Let’s get acquainted with WordPress Example sites.
Sony Music is a Sony music division blog. The design structure is recognizable; something like this looks like many blogs on the engine. Black and red motifs convey the atmosphere of the scene, mystery, and gloss. Aerial photos of artists in the slider and brand logos complement the image – everything looks as it should. The Sony logo plays an important role. It looks impressive and neat. Fonts are expressive and readable; a lot of Caps lock is used. The menu is simple, elegant, two-level navigation, and understandable. The simple effects of changing the color of the headers on hover are used.
The sidebar contains links to useful materials and FAQs. Their layout looks a bit messy. The standards of the engine usually frame the blog feed. Large headlines are striking; the shading of brief descriptions of materials is lost on a white background – it does not look so beautiful, a robust canvas of letters interferes with porridge, more distinct separators of publications would not hinder. The quality of the articles, of course, is high. The design of the footer is simple. In addition to social networks, he placed a lot of contact links and legal documentation of the brand. The blog is minimalistic, consistent with the spirit of Sony. Technically, it is simple, and a beginner can create a similar site.
Mercedes Benz – Company Website is a famous site of one of the most reputable car manufacturers in the world. The design is responsive, contrasting. The well-known neat logo gives weight to the project. The layout uses a large number of effects. The black backing and white letters look strictly against the background of swift car silhouettes. All this alternates with light sections and black text, which adds contrast, expressiveness. It looks solid. The page loading speed is high, although due to the effects of a leisurely manifestation of content, there is an impression of a lack of site performance.
The project is full of quality content. In addition to the German basis, it has English localization. Compelling photos, publications, and videos are impressive – implemented at the highest level. Navigation is simple, but when you go deeper into the site structure, additional menus and many other links appear. On the right is a panel of icons with links to feedback, product line, and auto configurator. Ergonomically. The footer is impressive; it contains a massive number of links to useful materials – an exhibition hall, a store, car classes, social programs, and more. The company has resources that allow you to create a website on any platform and any complexity. But they chose WP, which eloquently speaks in favor of the engine.
PlayStation – Gaming Platform Blog is the official blog of Sony’s PlayStation, a gaming brand. Lives on a subdomain of the platform’s leading site serve solely for submitting gaming news, announcements, reviews, and all that sort of thing. The design is excellent – lively, modern, adaptive. A juicy wide-format header goes directly to a blog full of colorful material previews. Fonts are distinct, look, and read well. The blog is multilingual, has 10 localizations, including Russian.
Navigation is convenient, visible. It reflects news categories by type of gaming platform. To leave comments in the posts, registration is required. There is a quick search of the news. The design of publications is expectedly high-quality, accompanied by a fresh news feed for quick translation, blocks of social media, and comments. The footer is beautifully designed, contains legal and contact information. The blog is pleasant in all respects, clearly demonstrates the capabilities of WordPress on the main profile.
Walt Disney – Company Website is the official site of the American media giant. The design looks so organically, successfully that the look has nothing to catch on: nothing gets out of the general concept, it does not strain attention. It perfectly matched colors, layout, effects, fonts, and more—benchmark site-building at WP. The layout structure of the pages is sophisticated but easy to read. Global search insight – it is beneficial here. Pages load pretty quickly, given the amount of content, the number of images used, and animation effects.
Immediately below, the header is information about the stock price of the company, and in the section, for investors, you can download profit reports for periods and other documents. This is a corporate website that informs investors and partners about the state of affairs rather than advertises something. A news blog is just one section of this vital project. It looks and reads beautifully. Even the contact page seems very saturated. There is a section for employment in the company – and indeed, everything is there that can be. Functionally, in terms of content and from a design point of view, this is the top WP site.
TechCrunch – Technology Blog is a popular overseas technology blog launched in 2013 by Verizon. In terms of implementation, the project is felt at the level of the NY Times, The Verge, and other influential news sites. The design is beautiful – a white space with green accents and expressively filed previews of publications. The menu is vertical, and it looks neat and straightforward. The blog’s structure is involved in the content of the sea, and all of it is beautifully presented, competently sorted into categories. Fonts are moderately large, read clearly, and look beautiful: you can read for a long time, and your eyes do not get tired. Registering on a blog gives bonuses in the form of the absence of advertising banners, exclusives, fast reading mode, and much more.
The blog offers daily and weekly newsletter subscriptions. By subscribing, the visitor will be aware of everything that is happening in the world of technology, without the need to monitor other resources from the niche. Gadgets, mobile applications, science, software, reviews, games, news, and video, audio – everything is here, and you can read and watch for days. The quality of publications is excellent; the articles’ design is pleasant; even the block of social networks looks fresh and pretty. The speed of the blog is high – optimization is apparent. Interestingly, when you read the material (scrolling to the footer), you will automatically be returned to viewing the news feed—the effect of non-stop learning, so to speak, immersion in articles.
So these are some WordPress example sites. You can get the inspiration that with a basic knowledge of coding you can develop amazing sites. WordPress is a powerful platform and you can build almost any kind of website using WordPress.
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Head and Editor in Chief of EcmaScript2017 Journal. Senior JS Back-end Full stack developer and software architect.
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