5 letter words starting with Q

5 letter words starting with q is a collection of words that can be used in various word games and puzzles. These words can be particularly useful in crossword puzzles and quizzes, where players are required to guess words based on clues. Additionally, learning these words can be a fun and educational activity, as it can help expand one’s vocabulary and improve their language skills. Whether you’re a word game enthusiast or simply looking to improve your language skills, this collection of 5 letter words starting with q is a great resource to have on hand.

Word list


The most common 5 letter words with Q

Are quite limited, with only a handful of options available. The most frequently used word is “queen,” which refers to a female monarch or the most powerful piece in a game of chess. Another common word is “quick,” which means fast or speedy. “Quiet” is also a popular choice, describing a lack of noise or a calm atmosphere. “Quilt” is a word used to describe a bed covering made of two layers of fabric with a layer of padding in between. Finally, “quack” is a word used to describe the sound a duck makes. While there are not many options, these five-letter words starting with Q are still useful and commonly used in everyday language.

Seven 5 letter words that start with q that you’ve never heard before

1. Quell – to suppress or extinguish

2. Quiff – a hairstyle where the hair is combed upward and back from the forehead

3. Quirk – a peculiar behavior or mannerism

4. Quota – a fixed share or portion

5. Quoin – a wedge-shaped stone used in building corners

6. Quaky – trembling or shaking

7. Quale – a philosophical term for a subjective experience or quality

These seven words starting with q may not be commonly used, but they can add some variety to your vocabulary. From suppressing something with quell to experiencing a quale, these words offer unique ways to express yourself. So, why not try incorporating them into your next conversation or piece of writing?

How to use 5-letter words starting with Q in crosswords

When it comes to crossword puzzles, having a good vocabulary is essential. One way to expand your vocabulary is by learning 5 letter words starting with Q. These words can be tricky to find, but they can also be very useful in completing crossword puzzles.

Some common 5 letter Q words include “quilt,” “queen,” “quiet,” “quick,” and “quack.” These words can be used in a variety of ways, such as filling in blank spaces or connecting other words.

It’s important to remember that not all 5 letter Q words will fit into every crossword puzzle. You’ll need to consider the clues and the other words in the puzzle to determine which words will work best.

Overall, learning five letter words that start with Q can be a great way to improve your crossword puzzle skills and expand your vocabulary. So the next time you’re stuck on a crossword puzzle, try incorporating some of these words into your answers.

How to use five-letter words that start with Q in games

When it comes to playing word games, having a good vocabulary is essential. One way to expand your vocabulary is by learning five letter words that start with Q. These words can be challenging to find, but they can also be very useful in games like Scrabble and Words with Friends.

Some common 5 letter words start with Q include “queen,” “quiet,” “quilt,” and “quick.” These words can be used to score big points in games, especially if you can place them on a double or triple-letter score.

Another strategy is to use these words to create longer words. For example, “quilt” can be combined with other letters to create “quilting” or “quilted.” This not only scores more points but also helps to block your opponent from using the same letters.

Overall, learning 5-letter words with Q can be a great way to improve your word game skills. So, start practicing and see how many points you can score with these tricky letters!


In the English language, there are only a few 5 letter words start with Q. These words include “quack,” “quail,” “quake,” “quark,” and “queen.” While limited in number, these words can still be useful in everyday conversation and writing.


1. What are some common 5 letter word starting with Q?

A: Some common 5 letter word starting with Q include queen, quick, quiet, quote, and quest.

2. Are there any five-letter words starting with Q that have a silent letter?

A: Yes, the word “queue” starts with Q but the U is silent.

3. Can five letter words starting with Q be used in Scrabble?

A: Yes, there are many five letter words starting with Q that can be used in Scrabble, such as quack, quail, and quirk.

4. Are there any five-letter word starting with Q that are commonly misspelled?

A: The word “quiche” is often misspelled as “quich” or “quik” due to its unusual spelling.

5. What is the meaning of the word “quell”, a 5-letter word with Q?

A: The word “quell” means to suppress or put an end to something, such as a rebellion or a feeling of anxiety.

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