Top web3 jobs: Exploring the Top Web3 Jobs

If you’re looking to get into the blockchain world and are curious about what jobs are out there, then this article is for you.

At first glance, it may seem like there aren’t many opportunities when it comes to web3 jobs. But if you know where to look, there are plenty of positions out there for people with different skill sets. While most companies are hiring full-stack developers (people who can do both front-end and back-end work), IPFS developers or smart contract developers might be better suited for some projects. And if your dream job is designing new interfaces for apps or websites that interact with their users via smart contracts? Well then good news! I have some ideas about how we can make that happen too!

Full-Stack Web3 Developer

A full-stack web3 developer is a front-end and back-end developer who can work with blockchain, using JavaScript to write code that runs on the client side and server side of an application. They’re responsible for developing the front-end and back-end of an application.

Full stack developers are building up their knowledge in different areas like ReactJS, NodeJs, HTML5/CSS3, etc., so they have enough expertise in both sides (front end & back end).

Blockchain Engineer

Blockchain Engineer is the most in-demand job on Upwork. It’s a combination of software engineering and cryptography, requiring many skills.

A blockchain engineer needs to understand the fundamentals of cryptography and data structures, as well as have experience building applications with different blockchains (such as Ethereum).

IPFS Developer

In the world of blockchain and decentralized applications (DApps), IPFS stands for InterPlanetary File System. It’s a new file system that allows you to store data on multiple computers across the internet, instead of just one server like traditional websites do.

IPFS is based on peer-to-peer technology and it allows users to publish and access information without relying on central servers or organizations. This makes it possible for anyone with an internet connection to share their files in a way that cannot be censored or controlled by any single entity – not even governments! IPFS has many advantages over other types of storage methods:

  • including speedier downloads;
  • less traffic congestion due to fewer hops between computers; 
  • security from hackers because there isn’t one point where all your data resides anymore; 
  • cheaper costs overall since there aren’t any centralized servers involved anymore either (you only pay for what you use).

Smart Contract Developer

A smart contract is a program that runs on the blockchain. It can be used to automate transactions and enforce rules, which makes it possible to create decentralized applications that don’t rely on any third-party intermediaries or oracles.

A smart contract developer creates these programs in various programming languages such as Solidity (Ethereum), Serpent (Bitcoin), LLL, and others. They need to be familiar with cryptography so they understand how malicious users might try to break into their code or steal funds from their contracts by exploiting bugs in them, for this reason, some developers specialize in security audits as well as writing secure code from scratch themselves.

Web Designer

Web designers are responsible for the user interface of a website, which includes its layout and graphics. They use a variety of tools and software to create web pages that are visually appealing and easy to navigate. Web designers can work on their own or as part of a team, as well as in many different industries.

How to get a web3 job

To get a web3 job, you’ll need to do your research and develop your skills.

  • Research: Look at the latest trends in the industry and make sure that you’re up-to-date on them. In addition, read about successful companies’ hiring practices so that you know what they look for when hiring employees.
  • Develop skills: Any skill related to blockchain technology will be valuable in this field. However, some of these include:
  • programming languages like Solidity (Ethereum’s language), JavaScript, or Python;
  •  database management systems such as PostgreSQL or MongoDB; 
  • operating systems like Linux/Unix; 
  • cloud computing platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure;
  •  security certification programs such as CISSP® from ISC2®, CISA® from ISACA®, CISO Executive Certification Program™ from ISACA®, etc.


If you’re interested in a web3 job, we hope this article has given you some insight into what the field looks like. If you’re ready to take the next step and apply for one of these positions, check out our guide on how to get hired at a blockchain company. Good luck!

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