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Netflix Error Code m7362 1269
When streaming online movies from Netflix, many users encounter error code m7362 1269 on their computers. It usually means updating the data stored in your browser.
Streaming in real-time is more efficient than downloading media files. If you upload a video file, a copy of the entire file saves to the device’s hard drive. You cannot play the video until the file had downloaded entirely. If you stream the video, the browser plays it without copying and saving it. The video downloads a little concurrently instead of downloading the entire file, and the information downloaded by the browser does not save locally.
Similar to all info transmitted over the Internet, audio and video data brokes up into data suites. All-suite includes any part of a file: The audio or video player in the browser on the client device receives the stream of data packets and interprets them as video or audio.
Streaming media players load a few seconds ahead of time so that the video or audio can continue playing if the connection is briefly interrupted. It calls buffering. Buffering ensures smooth, uninterrupted video playback. However, with slow connections or high network latency, video buffering can take a long time.
What factors slow down streaming?
On the network side:
- Network latency: various impact lag factors, including the content users, are trying to retrieve;
- Network congestion: if too much data sents through the network, it can reduce streaming capacity.
On the user side:
- Wi-fi issues: reset the LAN router or turn off it can enhance streaming capacity;
- Slow client devices: video playback requires a lot of processing power. If the device streaming video has many other processes running or is just slow overall, streaming performance may be affected.
There is insufficient bandwidth: For streaming video, home networks require about 4 Mbps of bandwidth. For high-definition videos, they probably need more.
Easy ways to fix Netflix error m7362-1269
To fix Netflix error code m7362 1269, you need to:
- Clear Netflix cookies;
- Clear Netflix cache;
- Disable AdBlock in your browser;
- Restart your PC.
Clear Netflix cookies
A Netflix cookie is a file stored on your device. Cookies are small files that contain data exchanged between a browser and a particular site.
The main characteristic of cookies is that they are a helper element for the browser to record various data about the user. However, very often, we hear misinformation about cookies, and we think we need to disprove them:
- Cookies are not a program – they are text files;
- They will not infect your device with a virus.
The main tasks of a cookie are:
- Authorization (browser) – the browser captures your username and password when you register, thereby allowing you to log in to a resource without re-entering the data. However, most often, the browser will ask your permission to save your data before doing so;
- Saving settings (site) – Thanks to cookies, all the setup you set in the search engine will be saved, such as language, region, or search filter;
- Site Transaction Monitoring is praxis for cookies to track a user’s steps on a site to gather statistical information. As a result, this information uses in Internet marketing services.
To enable or disable cookies in Google Chrome:
- Open your browser’s Settings;
- Locate the “Privacy and Security” heading;
- Under the categories under this heading, go to “Site Settings;”
- Then, open the “Cookies and Site Info ” tab.
You can enable or disable cookies by moving the key to the desired place in the capsule opposite the setting you like in the window that appears.
How to clear cookies:
- Access the “Settings” of the browser;
- Find the “Privacy and Security” heading;
- In the categories of this heading, choose “Clear history;”
- Choose the period and “Cookies and other site info” item to delete;
- Click the “Delete Data” key.
Delete Netflix cache
The Netflix cache is in the memory of your device, but only the app can read it. A “cache” is an intermediate memory buffer that contains the information most likely to be requested.
The computer operating system uses software caching. Various temporary files store in a dedicated zone of the disk, which occurs when the computer is running.
Caching is using the so-called swap file, which the OS creates on the PC disk.
As you know, when your computer is running, program files and processed data are loaded into RAM for faster access to them. But this memory may be insufficient, then a piece of the info is sent to the swap file, which plays the role of additional RAM. The size of the file regulates by the OS and compensates for the lack of RAM.
Any modern browser (Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, etc.) necessarily uses caching. It is necessary for the fast loading of web pages and traffic saving. It is easy enough to check.
The browser uses software caching. You can load subsequent pages faster even though you only go to them for the first visit. They necessarily have repetitive elements, which stores in the cache after visiting one page.
Caching web pages by the browser also has disadvantages. For example, if we visit many different sites, the cache turns out to be full of information about them. When we come to a new one, the browser first tries to find information about it in the cache. Only when it finds nothing, it starts loading from the Internet. As a result, the download time is even longer than without caching. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the browser cache periodically.
Each browser has a command in the menu to clear the cache. It is not difficult to find it, but I will make hints for the most common browsers.
Google Chrome:
- In the right top corner of the browser, click the menu button, choose Settings, and in the opened tab, scroll down and open Advanced, there you find the item Clear history;
- Clear history;
- In the window that appears, check the boxes for the info you want to delete, select the time interval and click Delete it.
Disable AdBlock in your browser
AdBlock and AdBlock Plus extensions are the most popular ad blockers for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer and many other browsers based on these four engines. These extensions consume RAM at the level of an average resource-intensive computer program. The number of frames and ads on a web page is the same amount of RAM that AdBlock and AdBlock Plus require to run. Consequently, the heavier each web page is, the more resources the extension consumes.
At first glance, ad blockers are supposed to save your computer’s RAM since they also block ad-supported web elements. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. And getting rid of one problem annoying ads – users get another: slow browser performance on various low-powered devices.
Restart your PC
When troubleshooting a problem, you should start with a simple restart to remove any temporary data causing this particular problem.
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